We are getting lots of calls from concerned parents who are worried about their child's early speech and language development. Many parents of toddlers aged 18 months-2 1/2 years are realizing that their child isn't really talking or acquiring new words, or even producing simple speech sounds. Sometimes we are able reassure parents with a simple consultation call, informing them that their child is right where they should be. Other times, we note cause for concern and commend parents for being proactive. Early intervention is best! Are you concerned about whether your child is meeting speech and language milestones? Check out this information to see if your child is achieving age expectations. Every child is different, but if your child has not yet reached one or more of the following milestones, consider reaching out to your pediatrician and/or a speech-language pathologist. At Yorktown Therapy Services, we are happy to speak with you and provide a free consultation. For more information and to learn about early warning signs, check out https://www.asha.org/public/early-identification-of-speech-language-and-hearing-disorders/
12-18 Months
produces first words
hums to songs
imitates animal sounds
listens to simple stories
uses 2-6 words other than "mama" or "dada"
18-24 Months
Uses 10-50 words
Uses a variety of words
Understands 150-300 words
Imitates and produces 2-word combinations
Points to and labels pictures independently
24-30 Months
Uses 200-300 words
Produces CVC structures with early sounds (e.g., "bed" or "top")
Speech is 25%-50% intelligible
Echoes adult words and inflections
Knows animals, body parts, & simple verbs
Listens to books and holds them correctly
30-36 Months
Uses about 450-1,000 words
Uses positional words (e.g., in, on), color words, and early pronouns (I, me, you)
Asks questions like, "What's that?"
Produces 2-3 word combinations
Speech is 50%-75% intelligible
Listens to and looks at books
Begins to recognize logos in environment