Lisa GearyOct 17, 2022First Annual Pumpkin ContestANNOUNCEMENT: Yorktown Therapy Services is SO excited to announce our First Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest!! To enter the contest,...
Lisa GearyOct 6, 2022Strategies for ParentsParents often ask, "What can I do to help my child's speech and language development?" The answer? TALK with your child! Every time you...
Lisa GearyOct 1, 2022GERMS!Yes, it is that time of year! With children back in school and other activities, the germs are on the rise. You may be wondering, "when...
Lisa GearySep 27, 2022LITTLE PUMPKINEvery time this little guy arrives for his speech therapy session, he starts waving and saying, "hi" from the very second the door opens,...
Lisa GearySep 21, 2022HELLO FALLIT'S OFFICIALLY FALL! Wishing everyone a wonderful start to this season and hope that you fill it with fun family moments that create...
Lisa GearySep 18, 2022PLAY LEARN GROWPLAY. LEARN. GROW -- important tasks for young communicators! At Yorktown Therapy Services, we offer engaging, individualized sessions...